
Race for Supervisor in 1st District

It’s been many years since I’ve supported a candidate for any public office with the enthusiasm and confidence with which I support Steve Bennett or 1st District Ventura County supervisor.

He’s an exceptional person with exceptional qualifications and the most impressive record of public policy achievement of any public figure in Ventura County in many years. His credentials as an honors graduate with a degree in economics from Brown University, his record as an outstanding teacher of economics and history and as an assistant principal at Nordhoff High School in Ojai, his notable term of service on the Ventura City Council, his successful leadership in the initiative drive to impose campaign fund limits in the city of Ventura, and the unprecedented, heroic effort of leading the voters to adoption of countywide Save Open Space and Agricultural Resources (SOAR) initiatives distinguish him as among the best--here or anywhere,

He’s a leader of great intelligence, enormous energy and unquestionable integrity. Do a good thing for yourself and the entire county: Vote for Steve Bennett on March 7.





Ventura County military veterans know that we would not be getting a veterans retirement home in east Ventura without the leadership of Rosa Lee Measures, candidate for 1st District supervisor.

Rosa Lee needed no convincing to support a 400-bed, long-term care home for military veterans in Ventura, with upward of 400 new jobs locally. Her hard work led to the donation of 27 acres of land and 100% consensus of fellow City Council members--both requirements to receive federal and state funds. And she was on the bus, talking up our area, when state representatives came to town to check out the site and be assured of local support.

Our Ventura veterans home site got approved and Measures is one who deserves local veterans’ thanks.



Ad Hoc chairman

Tri-County Veterans Home



I was so discouraged when The Times was unable to see the fine accomplishments of Jim Monahan and did not endorse him for 1st District supervisor.

He is the only candidate who has a track record of helping our seniors, our youth and our veterans. He is a long-term Ventura city councilman whom I have followed as a community advocate for almost 20 years. He has worked hard with the Veterans Administration to locate the urgently needed veterans’ home in Saticoy. He has supported numerous youth programs and he was very important in getting transportation for our seniors.

Please join me in voting for Jim Monahan on March 7.


