
3rd District Supervisorial Race

Supervisor Kathy Long has been commended for her efforts to preserve and improve conditions in the Santa Clara Valley. These include challenging plans for development on the Newhall Ranch that threatened our water supply, taking the lead in preserving greenbelts, working with state agencies to improve safety on California 126, promoting the Heritage Valley with its potential for tourism, and expanding county services to citizens of Santa Paula and Fillmore.

One large project, the Toland Landfill expansion that was approved before Long was elected, has been the subject of her constant surveillance. When serious problems with dust, litter and birds developed as a result of careless landfill operations, Long, with the support of her fellow supervisors, directed that an independent monitoring program be implemented to identify ways to mitigate these problems.

When information surfaced that Toland Landfill was accepting out-of-county trash in violation of permit conditions, Long requested an audit. It found that trash from Santa Barbara County exceeds permit conditions by up to four times the tonnage allowed. Rather than comply with the permit issued in 1996 the Ventura Regional Sanitation District has applied for a revision. This application was rejected by a unanimous vote of the county Planning Commission. It has been appealed to the Board of Supervisors for approval and will be heard at 10 a.m. on March 21. Ventura County residents should be there and let the supervisors know that this county does not wish to provide landfill service to Santa Barbara County.


Above all, Kathy Long deserves your vote March 7 so she may continue to make Ventura County a better place to live for all of us.


Santa Paula


A letter published Feb. 23 attempted to establish a similarity between Mike Morgan’s involvement with Camarillo’s investment losses and Kathy Long’s vote to illegally merge mental health with social services. It also wrongly accused him of working to shut down the Camarillo State Hospital.

There’s a world of difference between the county’s illegal merger and Camarillo’s losses. Long voted for the merger even though the attorney and chief administrative officer advised [against it]. On the other hand, the Camarillo City Council never authorized the imprudent investments; they were in direct and complete violation of the investment policy that the entire council adopted. Furthermore, none of those imprudent investments appeared on investment reports.


Morgan did not work to close Camarillo State Hospital. After the governor announced [that] its exceedingly high operating costs forced its closure, Morgan joined state Sen. Jack O’Connell [D-San Luis Obispo] to request [its] reuse as California State University. Long sided with CSH employees who wanted to convert it to house sexual predators and child molesters. If Morgan had fought to close the state hospital, parents and advocates for the mentally ill would not be supporting him for supervisor now.

I believe that Mike Morgan keeps his finger firmly on the pulse of the community, uses his law enforcement background to accept and follow legal advice, and considers the sides presented when making a decision.


City Council member



I find it interesting that so few elected officials have endorsed Mike Morgan for 3rd District county supervisor. He has spent most of his professional life as a probation officer, [but] the entire law enforcement community has endorsed Supervisor Kathy Long’s bid for reelection.


I think that is quite telling that the leadership style and record of someone who has been on Camarillo’s City Council for 20 years have not gained the respect of local elected officials.

Long has developed good relationships with the local governments, agencies and organizations for one reason: She genuinely wants to provide the best for the citizens in her district and the county. She is willing to do the work to make that possible.

Long is respected as a straight shooter. She does her research and will stand by her convictions. I’m proud to give her my vote.




Now is the time for county government to reestablish economic stability. Enough of the scandals that have put the county coffers in disarray.

One is elected to lead, to guide and to educate--not to stumble and learn on the job. Now is the time for new leadership. Arrogance and refusing to admit bad decisions is not going to fix the county’s fiscal problems.

Mike Morgan, as a former mayor and 20-year councilman from Camarillo, has helped shape Camarillo into one of the safest, best planned, most fiscally sound cities in Ventura County.


We need him to represent the Santa Clara Valley and the 3rd District. Mike will lead us with experience and wisdom.


Santa Paula
