

The escalating number of children in Irvine has some community leaders worried.

“A review of the current situation indicates that the city’s needs in both infant and school-age care are not being met,” said Mary McDonough, chair of the Irvine Child Care Committee, in a recent memo to the Community Services Commission.

City planners predict that as the overall Irvine population grows from today’s 130,000 to about 174,000 in 2010, Irvine will be home to 15,000 more children.

To help care for this growing number of children, the committee is asking that the city hire a consultant to conduct an assessment of child care needs in Irvine. The group will present its request Wednesday to the Community Services Commission.


The Community Services Commission meets at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at City Hall, 1 Civic Center Plaza.
