
Panel to Recommend Skateboard Park


The dream of a skateboard park in Stanton came closer to becoming reality Monday night.

The Community Services Commission expressed support for a skateboard park at a public meeting and said it will recommend that the City Council consider converting the Stanton Municipal tennis courts on Western Avenue into such a park. Building the park would cost from $125,000 to $175,000, said Community Services Director Mary Gonye.

Gonye said the city has the option of building a cheaper prefabricated or longer-lasting concrete park. A prefabricated park would consist of pre-made ramps attached to an existing concrete floor and would have a life span of about 10 years.

Building a concrete park would be more expensive but would last longer, Gonye said.

Commissioners and Gonye impressed skateboarders with their knowledge of skateboarding lingo as they described features found at other parks such as half-pipes and pyramids. “We thought that maybe they wouldn’t understand,” said 13-year-old Jesse Fernandez, who gave commissioners a sketch that depicted possible park amenities.


But despite their enthusiasm for a skateboarding park, commissioners said they could not commit to a time frame for the park’s construction. “We have to get permits. We have to secure the land. It’s not something that can be thrown together in 20 minutes,” said Commissioner Dale Fullerton.

Community members suggested dedicating an open space for skateboarding because of concerns about skateboarders’ immediate needs. Skateboarders agreed that they need practice space so they can avoid disrupting traffic flow and annoying neighbors who object to the noise. The commission took the idea under advisement, but implied that the skateboarders may have to exercise patience.

Despite the probable delays, Fernandez and his friends could still hardly contain their enthusiasm. “It’d be really great. I’d be there every day,” Jesse said.


Judy Silber can be reached at (714) 966-5988
