
Flood Sirens for Dam to Be Tested

In a routine test, 11 sirens for the Lake Casitas flood-warning system will wail at 6 p.m. Saturday between downtown Ventura and Casitas Springs, the area most vulnerable to flooding in the event of a major earthquake.

It is the first time a test alert will be sounded on a weekend evening to acquaint residents who are usually gone on weekdays.

The short audible test will be followed by warnings in English and Spanish.

The sirens were installed last year to warn people to flee to high ground in the event a quake collapses the dam holding back the lake. Work crews, which have been strengthening the dam since last summer under the supervision of the Bureau of Reclamation, are expected to complete the task by fall.


For more information, call 641-9494 or visit the Casitas Dam improvement Web site at
