
Obituaries - Feb. 21, 2000

Collister, Lois Marie, 70, of Ventura, homemaker. Ted Mayr Funeral Home, Ventura.

Deakin, Donald Sherwood, 65, of Camarillo, electrical engineer at Hughes Inc. Pierce Bros. Griffin Mortuary, Camarillo.

Gates, Dottie O., 76, of Camarillo, homemaker. Pierce Bros. Griffin Mortuary, Camarillo.

Gragg, Adelaide Catherine,, 82, of Ventura, retired Realtor. Ted Mayr Funeral Home, Ventura.

Kassin, Mildred B., 96, of Ventura, retired real estate and insurance broker. Ted Mayr Funeral Home, Ventura.


Katzen, Robert Carl, 48, of Camarillo, corporate security officer at Universal Studios. Pierce Bros. Griffin Mortuary, Camarillo.


Ventura County obituaries are compiled by Linda Herron. They are published free of charge as a public service to readers, based on information provided by mortuaries.
