
John McCain

Re “Surging McCain Campaign Baffles Senate Colleagues,” Feb. 9:

The stupidity of the Grand Old Party never ceases to amaze me. Every rabid Senate and House Republican hitting the road to attack Sen. John McCain is only guaranteeing more votes for McCain from Democrats like myself. Keep up the good work, boys!


Newport Beach


The Senate Republicans’ criticism of McCain as hypocritical is a specious argument. McCain must work within the system in order to get elected to change the existing system. If he were on the outside looking in, he would simply be another fringe candidate like Ralph Nader--pure, but powerless.




Doug Gamble’s commentary (Feb. 10) should be taped to the bathroom mirror of every Republican party leader and their George W. Bush’s campaign backers.


The reason why McCain is resonating with so many inside and outside the Republican Party is because he is not assuming that the American public’s vote can be bought with a bunch of advertising money. He is surging ahead in the polls by consistently outlining doable propositions instead of trying to cater to whatever group got his attention in the last 15 minutes.


Mission Viejo


My wife and I have been loyal Republican supporters for over 35 years, and we have never crossed over in any general election. However, if McCain becomes the Republican standard-bearer in November, this family will not vote Republican.

McCain is as much a Democrat as Al Gore and Bill Bradley--just review his record.




Is Burnie Thompson reading the same newspapers I am (letter, Feb. 8)? Since when has McCain become a media darling? And since when were the media “liberal”?


Newspapers are owned by major corporations. They may seem “liberal” to the ultraconservative true believers still battling for the Republican Party’s soul, but they long have been right of center. Bush is their man because--if Texas is any example--he’s willing to sacrifice the nation’s economic health and legal system at the altar of corporate profitability.

The press has been propping up Bush’s campaign despite his being an obvious lightweight. Meanwhile, McCain has gained the respect of voters who aren’t party loyalists, because he has the guts to think independently and speak his mind.


Los Angeles
