

Erann Gat’s preposterous rant defending hackers in their quest to rip off legitimate businesses is exactly the kind of clueless techno-rebel nonsense that terrorizes what can and should be a safe and sane Internet (“Hackers Are the Real Victims--of Industry Greed,” Commentary, Feb. 7). Gat’s tortured logic somehow tries to convey the idea that hacking and pirating DVDs is easy, but yet expensive and unprofitable, yet the film industry’s profits will be affected by it, but they’re fools to be worried about it.

Gat absurdly seizes the moral imperative that hacking DVD encryption is correct, copyright be tossed, because John Q. Idaho might not be able to play his disc in a DVD player in Lisbon or Kuala Lumpur. Get off your high-tech horse, techno-rebels, because stealing is still stealing, electronic or otherwise. Keep thieving and one day there won’t be any movies or music left to steal from.


North Hollywood
