
Arnold Beckman: ‘They Don’t Make Guys Like That Anymore’

It was my great privilege to have served as a consultant to Arnold Beckman during the early days of Beckman Instruments (“The Remarkable Life and Peculiar Dilemma of Inventor Arnold Beckman,” by Scott Martelle, April 2). Our relationship grew from that of agent and client to a warm friendship. His kindness to my family was perhaps best exemplified when he took my three young children out on his brand new fiberglass sailing boat one day. That was in the late 1950s, and to this day, those three have never forgotten the thrill of that experience.

I have always felt that the word “patriarch,” in its very best sense, applies to this generous, brilliant and friendly individual. Thank you for turning the spotlight on a man who has been such a great credit to his family, his scholarly associates, his employees and his community. They just don’t make guys like that anymore.

Robert B. Wolcott Jr.



The Beckman article was poignant and insightful, but I would have liked to have seen the full list of his legendary Seven Rules.


William Solberg

Los Angeles


(Arnold Beckman’s seven rules are: 1. absolute integrity in everything you do 2. do your best at all times 3. do not do harm to others 4. never do anything of which you will be ashamed 5. there is no satisfactory substitute for excellence 6. moderation in all things, including moderation 7. don’t take yourself too seriously.)
