

A report predicting the impact of a home furnishings store and office complex to the Halecrest/Hall of Fame neighborhood lacks crucial information, nearly a dozen residents told the Planning Commission.

The residents said at a meeting Monday that the report failed to disclose that the building, including an Ikea store and 2 million square feet of office space, might block homeowners’ views of snowcapped mountains. And the neighborhood’s streets could become noisier with increased truck traffic.

Furthermore, said one homeowner, the building’s yellow-and-blue color scheme may clash with the earthy tones of nearby homes.


State environmental laws require the developers, C.J. Segerstrom & Sons, to revise their report based on the information the public requested at Monday’s hearing.

The proposed 93-acre project would be located between Fairview Road and Harbor Boulevard, just north of the San Diego Freeway.

The city originally designated the land for homes and industries. But the Segerstroms are asking the city to make exceptions for the project.


A Segerstrom spokesman said the developers would complete the updated report in three to five weeks.

The Planning Commission is scheduled to vote on the project at its meeting May 22.
