
Kudos to E-Loan for FICO Score Disclosure

There is something very wrong about the attempt by Fair, Isaac & Co. to block E-Loan from disclosing FICO scores to potential borrowers (“Company Moves to Cut Internet Access to Credit Scores” by Kenneth R. Harney, April 16).

When a company makes commercial use of personal data about an individual, that individual should have the right to know the details of the data. Indeed, a share of the profits from a company’s use of my financial report should be paid to me. After all, if I did not live and conduct financial transactions, the data would not exist.

Bravo, E-Trade. Boo and hiss, Fair, Isaac & Co.

It is the latter’s attempt to deny me access to my own data that proves self-regulation for the protection of privacy (which requires that I know what personal data is being circulated) is worthless. The only protection on which we can rely will have to be imposed by law.



Oak Park
