
Ventura Names Winners of Volunteer Awards

* Ventura has announced the winners of its volunteer awards program. Betty Black, a retired librarian, received Volunteer of the Year honors for managing registration data for the 1,100-member Volunteers for Ventura program. The Garden Angels received top group honors for educating and assisting community gardeners at Cornucopia Community Garden.

GOP Women Honor Students for Essays * Simi Valley Republican Women have announced the honorees of their essay contest, which offers area students a chance to spend a day with state legislators. Traveling to Sacramento will be Marisa Bemis, a senior, and Ashley Pandolfi, an eighth-grader, both of La Reina High School in Thousand Oaks, and Jonathan Panossian, a sophomore at Moorpark College.

Simi Valley Free Clinic Salutes Veterinarian * The board of directors of Free Clinic of Simi Valley honored Lowel Novy, a veterinarian, with its 2000 Spirit Award. Novy was recognized for his contributions to the community and to the free clinic during the past 40 years.


Awards and Honors is compiled by Rodney Bosch. Please address items to Awards and Honors, Los Angeles Times, 93 S. Chestnut St., Ventura 93001. Items can also be faxed to The Times at 653-7576 or 653-7548.
