
Animal Shelter Really Improved?

Your April 10 article reporting that a turnaround has occurred at the Orange County Animal Shelter does not convince me. Although there have been facility upgrades, far too many animals are still being impulsively euthanized at this shelter.

I recently turned over a young, stray Dalmatian to the shelter. Almost every day I checked on the dog. After the four-day owner hold period, county staff said they would notify me regarding any adoption or euthanasia decisions because they noted in their computer that I was trying to find the dog a home or transfer it to a long-term shelter. I even offered a donation toward its care and holding.

In addition to the four-day hold period, county staff told me they would hold the dog for 10 more days before its next adoptability or euthanasia evaluation.


Five days after the four-day owner hold period, county staff euthanized the dog without calling me.

The dog didn’t have a chance--only one weekend to show--and staff never made the effort to notify me about their unilateral and impulsive decision.

I would be much more inclined to believe that a turnaround has occurred after learning that the soon-to-be selected director is a visionary.


The director should have a proven track record in implementing aggressive cutting-edge adoption goals, policies, programs and fund-raising efforts that will dramatically reduce the shelter’s current euthanasia rate of more than 50%.


Huntington Beach
