
Proposal to Ban Spray Paint Cans

* Re “Supervisors Back Ban on Spray Paint Cans,” April 12.

The proposal by Supervisor Frank Schillo and Dist. Atty. Michael D. Bradbury to ban standard spray paint cans is totally ridiculous. It is a waste of time and money.

The people who are responsible for graffiti believe they are marking their territory. It is very important to them. In some cases, tagging could even be considered a matter of pride.

Do you think not having spray paint would actually stop them? I wouldn’t be surprised if they were out there with a can of paint and a paintbrush to get the job done.


And what about those people who actually need to use spray paint? Electrifying the can is definitely going to drive the price up.

The solution is to put more patrol cars in areas with high levels of graffiti and actually punish these people for their crimes.


