

Fullerton College alumni will host a safari to Kenya from Nov. 4 to 13. An optional extension to Tanzania is being offered through Nov. 18.

An open house scheduled later this month will provide more information about the African adventures.

Ted Spriggs, a faculty member and safari specialist in East African adventure travel at the college, will lead participants into Nairobi, Samburu National Reserve, Lake Nakuru and the Maasai Mara National Reserve to visit the site of the greatest animal migration on Earth, with more than 1.5 million animals and rare species indigenous only to Kenya.


The trip is offered in conjunction with Park East Tours Inc. as part of the annual Alumni Assn. educational excursion.

The cost is $3,395 per person, not including the optional extension. The visit to Tanzania will be an additional $1,495 per person.

The open house will be at 7 p.m. April 27 at the Hunt Branch Library in Room D, 201 S. Basque Ave. Information: (714) 992-7532.
