
Renovated Field to Bear DiMaggio Name After All

From Associated Press

Ignoring threats from a Florida attorney, Mayor Willie Brown and other city officials plan to go ahead with a proposal to name a playground for New York Yankees legend Joe DiMaggio, who grew up near the urban park.

The city will rename the 2 1/2-acre North Beach Playground after Joltin’ Joe and spend $5.8 million on renovations. The formal announcement will be made at a news conference today.

Supervisor Gavin Newsom said a few weeks ago that attorney Morris Engelberg, DiMaggio’s executor, had threatened to sue the city if the playground bore DiMaggio’s name.


He also said Engelberg insisted the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge or San Francisco International Airport were the only suitable landmarks to bear the name of the Hall of Fame center fielder.

Not so, Engelberg said Tuesday. He said Newsom had suggested the bridge and the airport, along with eight other sites.

“He sent me a menu of 10 items to choose from, and the airport and the bridge were on the list, along with the playground,” he said. “Wouldn’t you pick the airport or bridge over a playground?”


Newsom says the list was labeled as the 10 landmarks most often mentioned by the public. He also said the letter made it clear the playground was the only viable alternative.

“And, of course, it’s the only one we have jurisdiction over,” Newsom said Tuesday. “The airport is in San Mateo County and the bridge would need the support of the state and other cities.”

Engelberg said he had never threatened to sue if the playground bore the DiMaggio name.

“I said I would take all legal action,” Engelberg said, citing examples like writing letters or talking to legislators. “That doesn’t mean a lawsuit.”
