
L.A. Supervisors OK Plan to Combat Syphilis

Responding to an outbreak of 52 syphilis cases among predominantly gay men with multiple sexual partners, the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors approved a $1.5-million emergency campaign Tuesday to combat the disease and promote safe sex.

As part of its plan, the county health department will distribute 500,000 condoms to clinics and community groups in the areas with the highest risk and will launch an ad campaign. It will also urge bathhouses and sex clubs-- frequented by many of the infected men-- to distribute condoms to clients and screen them for sexually transmitted diseases.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. April 14, 2000 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Friday April 14, 2000 Orange County Edition Metro Part B Page 3 Calendar Desk 2 inches; 41 words Type of Material: Correction
Anti-syphilis fund--A story in Wednesday’s Times misstated the amount of money approved by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors for an anti-syphilis campaign. The board approved a $560,000 effort and is scheduled to consider an additional $1-million allocation later this month.

Finally, the health department proposes encouraging greater tracking of the illness.
