
Approved Safety Helmets

Re “Former Oak View Motorcycle Mechanic Killed After Losing Control of Harley,” April 9.

In reporting the highway death of motorcyclist Jay Reed Julson, The Times reports that “although he was wearing a helmet, Julson died from head injuries, according to investigator Mitch Breese of the Ventura County medical examiners office.”

As a motorcyclist interested in safe riding, I’d be interested in learning whether the helmet Julson wore was Department of Transportation-approved safety headgear or one of the small black head caps sold at motorcycle swap meets here in Ventura County. Although the head caps are clearly labeled “TOY ONLY. NOT INTENDED FOR RIDING,” I regularly see cyclists wearing these toys rather than a DOT or Snell-approved safety helmets.

In reporting motorcycle accidents, The Times should distinguish between cyclists injured while wearing DOT-approved safety helmets and those wearing toy substitutes. Although this information would not mitigate the tragedy of any highway death, it would prevent us from drawing the wrong lesson from it.



