
More Tests Planned on Warning System

The sirens, dotting the Ventura River area from near Casitas Springs to the ocean, were installed to provide advance notice if flood waters were released from Lake Casitas after a large earthquake. But the last time the sirens sounded, residents mistook them for the real thing and chaos ensued as thousands fled Ventura Avenue homes for high ground.

The U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, which is overseeing the dam-strengthening and alarm installation, said bugs have been worked out to prevent a repeat of the Jan. 29 mishap. Agency representatives will be at Vons market, 115 W. Main St., Ventura, from noon to 2 today giving away magnets, T-shirts and whistles to raise awareness about the early warning system.

Meanwhile, work to strengthen the dam is nearly complete, and bureau officials have said the stability of the dam has been greatly enhanced since construction began one year ago.
