
Pudding <i> con Queso</i>

A sign at Tamales Liliana’s advertises specials for Cuaresma , which is the Lenten season. At the top of the list is the Mexican bread pudding capirotada . Liliana’s turns out a fancy version that combines bread slices, candied fruit, prunes, peanuts, pecans and strips of strong-tasting Oaxaca cheese. The golden brown pudding is bathed in cinnamon-spiced syrup. Multicolored candy sprinkles scattered over the top make it even more special.


Capirotada, $1.50 a serving at Tamales Liliana’s, 4619 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave., East Los Angeles (about 6 miles east of downtown Los Angeles). (323) 780-0989.
