
Mulholland Drive Getting a Cleanup

Residents can help local conservation agencies clean up the roadside along Mulholland Drive today.

From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., volunteers will don safety vests to remove litter and debris along Mulholland from Laurel Canyon Boulevard to Benedict Canyon Drive, organizers said.

The Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority, the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and Councilman Mike Feuer are sponsoring the event.


Residents who want to help with the cleanup should wear sturdy shoes and long pants.

They should also bring work gloves and drinking water, organizers said.

Volunteers can park at one of three Mulholland Drive locations:

* An empty lot at Mulholland and Coldwater Canyon Avenue;

*The Fryman overlook in the 8400 block near Allenwood Road; or

* An unpaved area in the 13800 block near Benedict Canyon Drive.
