
JFK Jr.’s Will Leaves Personal Effects to Caroline’s Children

From Reuters

The late John F. Kennedy Jr. left his personal effects to the children of his sister, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, according to his will, made public Friday.

The will, signed by Kennedy on Dec. 19, 1997, states the value of his property as “greater than $1 million.” Kennedy’s wealth has been estimated at $50 million.

Kennedy, his wife, Carolyn Bessette, and her sister Lauren Bessette were killed when the plane he was piloting plunged into the Atlantic Ocean July 16.


Kennedy left his personal property to his young nieces Rose and Tatiana and his nephew Jack.

A scrimshaw set that belonged to his father, the late President Kennedy, was left to Jack.

The balance of his estate, including money and securities, goes to the John F. Kennedy Jr. Trust, established in 1983.

Trust beneficiaries include Reaching Up Inc., which provides fellowships to students preparing to work with disabled people; Marta Sgubin, who was John and Caroline Kennedy’s former nanny and cook; and Kennedy’s longtime assistant RoseMarie Terenzio.


Carolyn Bessette did not leave a will, and her mother, Ann Freeman, has filed as an administrator to handle the affairs of both her late daughters.
