
Her Siegfriedian Slip Defies Analysis

Craig Woodbury of South Pasadena was walking down Hollywood Boulevard when he noticed preparations for a Walk of Fame ceremony. “I asked this lady standing nearby whose star was being unveiled,” he said. “She said, ‘Oh, it’s Sigmund Freud.’ I said, ‘Who?’ She said, ‘You know, Sigmund Freud, those guys with the tigers in Las Vegas.’ ”

THE BARE TRUTH: The other day, I mistakenly wrote that the mother of the late X-rated comic Lenny Bruce was a stripper when, actually, she was a dancer and comic. She did, however, take Lenny to a burlesque show when he was 14, according to Bruce biographer Albert Goldman. And Bruce later married a stripper.

Too bad he was born too late to be psychoanalyzed by that eminent Austrian, Siegfried Roy.

TAKE NOTICE, SINNERS: Susan Marraffa of Santa Monica found evidence that there are a few saints on the roads of the Southland (see photo).


DANGER LOOMING: A reader who noticed the label on her new throw rug concluded that she better hang it on a wall or on the ceiling just to be safe (see accompanying).

CROSS-CULTURAL GRAPPLING: Fred Miller of Harbor City happened upon a South American form of Japanese wrestling hereabouts (see photo). I did a bit of checking and found that the sport was brought to Brazil by Japanese in the early 1900s, then naturally found its way to Southern California.

One student of Brazilian jujitsu in California, incidentally, was an Australian kick boxer who later served as a bodyguard for some British rock groups.


BUT WHERE’S THE LONG BEACH WALK OF FAME? An early century Long Beach film studio is profiled in a book by Rodney Bardin and Jean-Jacques Jura (“Balboa Films: A History and Filmography of the Silent Film Studio”).

Among the interesting tidbits they dug up was the following studio directive on the treatment of Baby Marie Osborne, a child star of the “Little Mary Sunshine” films.

* “She is not to be teased at any time.”

* “She is not to be shouted at nor addressed in slang.”

* “She is not to be coddled nor handled unnecessarily. The idea of the management being hands off. You must adore her from afar.”


* “Threatening or addressing the baby star in loud or unseemingly (sic) language or using objectionable language in her presence shall be cause for instant dismissal.”

Hope this directive wasn’t written by Baby Marie’s schoolteacher.

CARSON’S FREEWAYS: An item here about radio station Y-107’s drive to name the 405 Freeway after Johnny Carson brought a note from film buff Lee Harris. He recalled a decade or so ago when “I was in the studio audience of ‘The Tonight Show.’ In the off-air moments following the monologue, someone asked Johnny how he could stand driving to work every day on the 101 and 134 freeways. He replied, ‘It’s not so bad. You just get up to about 12 mph and hit cruise control.’ ”


Here in the world capital of cosmetic surgery, I heard a radio ad touting “perfectly natural breast augmentation.” Natural augmentation? Maybe it’s just a padded bra.

Steve Harvey can be reached by phone at (213) 237-7083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by e-mail at [email protected] and by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, Times Mirror Square, L.A. 90053.
