
Mixed Feelings on Gay, Lesbian Parents

Your recent article titled “Doubly Devoted” (Sept. 12) epitomizes why America has lost its family values and why it’s on its way to ruin. The audacity of you to promote and attempt to legitimize homosexual families is extremely disturbing to me, but more disturbing to God.

Your article should have been titled “Doubly Demising” because of the pain and confusion that these two beautiful children will have to endure through life, wondering why is my daddy gay, and why is my mommy a lesbian, and what should I become? God help these innocent children.

This type of trash journalism should be banned because it continues to send anti-Christian messages to children who are already confused by the ills of American families, caused by parents who don’t have time to love their children. This homosexual lifestyle will never correct this societal ill.



Via e-mail


Thank you for a most informative article regarding gay and lesbian parents. The information and all the facts contained in the article (so beautifully written) will, hopefully, educate the media as far as gays and lesbians and the commitment to be a family. The understanding will lessen the unfair and unfounded prejudice. Articles like this can help make a better world to live in.




I am fed up with your weekly ode to gays and lesbians and your selling of this lifestyle as normal. Whatever happened to real families, and why don’t you give them the pages of space you give the abnormal? I don’t hate gays and lesbians, but they are, hopefully, a small minority. In your newspaper section, they seem to predominate in the United States.


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My partner and I would like to thank the L.A. Times and Duane Noriyuki for the article regarding lesbian parenthood. It’s very refreshing to see lesbian couples portrayed in a positive and insightful way. Thank you, and please keep up the good work!



South Pasadena


When will this so-called society we live in stop being so selfish? We sacrifice the mental, physical and spiritual health and well-being of our children in an attempt to validate a very disturbed society of people. If these people have chosen to live this lifestyle, it is not to be at the sacrifice of our children. In your article, the children all have had to suffer from the mental and verbal abuse they receive because of this. How dare you portray this as acceptable behavior?

Children already are having a hard enough time with school, friends, acceptance into life without gay and lesbians adding to their turmoil. We, as a society, need to only think of the children; they are not objects for which we choose to make with a sperm donor and then planted into a lesbian. If I can help to save one child with this letter and one more law maybe to be passed to stop this insane behavior, all my efforts are worth it. As a Christian family and soon-to-be adoptive foster parents, I can say from personal experience there are a lot of children in our system already with problems and needing good homes; please do not add any more of these poor children into our hands. You speak of the “freedom of choice” but fail to see that these kids were not given one.




The idea that kids don’t really need a mother and a father makes me want to scream. You put forth a couple of studies that say what these lesbians want to hear and go on ahead with this cruel experiment at the expense of these beautiful children. If you compare a loving straight couple versus a gay couple, you contend there is no difference. Are you living on Mars? A child needs both a mom and dad; you cannot see this? This story sickened me! Can you say selfish? That’s all this story was about in the end. These are selfish and ultimately cruel people. I am not homophobic. I could not care less about women living together as a couple. It is about children and people who are so selfish they cannot see the obvious.



Via e-mail


Kudos to Duane Noriyuki and the L.A. Times staff for the terrific article. The article was well written and presented. And though it is certain to frighten a good number of Orange County homophobes, it presented the plight and joys of being gay or lesbian. As usual, when the facts are presented, we are well-adjusted, “normal” folks just trying to live a happy, loving, successful life.


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