
Studios Should Take Blame? Come On

OK. Seriously. Enough already. I can’t take one more Counterpunch letter that tries to give credence in any way to the culpability of Hollywood movie studios in the events at Columbine or that seriously suggests that the intentions of the U.S. government to hassle them into cleaning up their act is anything other than politically motivated.

How Kenneth Turan (“Time for a Cease-Fire Before the Hellfire,” Aug. 22), who on a braver day saved “Brazil” from extinction, is the same man now railing that yes, it’s true, every movie made from now on must be legally suitable for children of all ages, is an unsolved mystery probably not worth our time. But after his and Eric Williams’ offerings (“Preserving Artistic Freedom While Protecting Children,” Sept. 13), I just have to inquire:

Are you guys baked?


