
The Many Shades of Yellow

You need a cab. You grab the L.A. or Orange County white pages and head straight for “Yellow.” You find it, and more. Some entries, sampled below, apparently double as tips on how to hail said cab. As Nancy Swasey, spokeswoman for Pacific Bell Directory, explains, “Unless it’s offensive or something like that, we’re not going to edit it for them.”


Yel Aow Cab Co. * Yell-A Cab * Yell Aa Cab * Yell Aaaa Cab * Yell Aaaaa Cab * Yell-AAAAAAAAAA-Cab * Yell Cab * Yell Ow Cab * Yellaw Cab * Yello Cab * Yellow Aaaa Cab Aaaa Aba
