
Plans for Getty Villa

* It is interesting that you chose to print “The Getty Villa’s Second Life” (editorial, Nov. 22) in the same section as Shawn Hubler’s “Just One More Little Thing,” which articulates consumer rage over the steady erosion of our quality of life in Los Angeles. The Getty Trust just wants to triple its parking, just wants to build a restaurant the size of Gladstone’s, just wants to expand its operating hours, just wants to construct an outdoor amphitheater with a 950-seat capacity and just wants to expand from a gallery/museum venue and provide outdoor entertainment on a site that is surrounded by residences that were built long before J. Paul Getty decided to display his art collection.

The statement that opposition against the Villa expansion consists of “nearby homeowners” is not entirely correct. In addition to six local neighborhood organizations that include elected representatives and are collectively known as Pacific Coast Homeowners, dozens of community organizations from throughout Los Angeles have gone on the record to oppose any Villa expansion plan that includes an outdoor theater, greatly expanded parking and greatly extended hours. Since the intersections from the McClure Tunnel out to Coastline Drive on Pacific Coast Highway are already rated F (failure) by Caltrans, “just” one more entertainment development may be the last straw.


Castellammare Mesa Home Owners

BARBARA KOHN, Past President

Pacific View Estates

* Thank you for your editorial supporting the Getty Villa renovation plans. I’ve lived in the Castellammare area, which is immediately adjacent to the Getty Villa, for over 25 years. Over that period I’ve come to appreciate the Getty museum not only as the cultural treasure that we all enjoy but also as a good neighbor, preserving acres of open space and concerned with improving the quality of life in my neighborhood. I and many of my immediate neighbors support the renovation plans. The new villa will be a jewel that all of Los Angeles will enjoy, including those like me who are fortunate enough to live next door.



Pacific Palisades
