
Check It Out

Books recommended for young readers by Ilene Abramson, senior librarian, Los Angeles Public Library:

An extra helping of fun holiday books for the whole family.

Preschool and kindergarten: “I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie,” by Alison Jackson, illustrated by Judith Byron Schachner

An updated version of a childhood favorite.


First and second grades: “Gracias, the Thanksgiving Turkey,” by Joy Cowley, illustrated by Joe Cepeda


The live turkey that was sent to Miguel to fatten up for Thanksgiving becomes a beloved pet.


Third grade: “Thanksgiving Is . . . “ by Louise Bordon, illustrated by Steve Bjorkman

Overview of the holiday told in friendly, cartoon-like pictures that have lots of child appeal.


Fourth grade: “An Outlaw Thanksgiving,” by Emily Arnold McCully

A girl and her mother are taken to a Thanksgiving dinner hosted by Butch Cassidy.


Fifth grade: “Guests,” by Michael Dorris

A Native American boy who lives near the Pilgrims faces manhood and learns about life.


Some of the books to be read on KCET’s “Storytime,” Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.


* “The Very Quiet Cricket,” by Eric Carle

From a tiny egg on a leaf, a cricket is born. Then he must learn the secret to greeting other crickets. Themes: determination, sounds, nature, identity.


* “A Mother for Choco,” by Keiko Kasza

A lonely bird sets out to find a mother and finds an unlikely parent in Mrs. Bear. Themes: family, differences, feelings.
