
U.S. Military

We find now that, after more than five years and over $2 billion spent in Haiti since President Clinton ordered 20,000 U.S. troops to occupy this Caribbean nation, chaos and violent death remain facts of life there (Nov. 15). We heard recently that South Korea is perfecting its atomic bomb in secret--another area where our service people are stationed. In most of the areas where our military have a presence, the situation is getting worse, not better--as in the Yugoslavia quagmire.

America, according to our military, is presently unable to defend its shores because our service people are so scattered around the world, the military budget isn’t sufficient to rebuild what has been neglected or destroyed, and new troops are not sufficiently trained.

It’s frightening for all Americans to hear this. Isn’t it time the administration corrected the situation, before some “rogue” nation takes advantage of our weakness?



San Clemente
