

Bring a shovel, work gloves and the will to dig to the Serrano Creek Ranch on Saturday to volunteer for the Quiet Oak Creek restoration project.

Volunteers will plant native vegetation such as cattails and reeds in the creek to help filter out fertilizers, oil from street runoff and other pollutants.

Saturday’s project is part of an effort by the Serrano Creek Conservancy to repair the eroded and polluted Quiet Oak Creek, which feeds into Serrano Creek.


The conservancy started reshaping banks and moving rocks to prevent erosion in Quiet Oak Creek earlier this month. Restoration of the small, eucalyptus-flanked creek will be a model for future work on the entire Serrano Creek, conservancy members said.

The Serrano Creek Ranch is at 25201 Trabuco Road. Volunteers can sign up for the project by calling (949) 768-5921.
