
Video View

This chart tracks video sales--alternating weekly between an overall view of the market and profiles of individual segments. Sales data include mass merchandisers and retailers but not most discount outlets.


Total Weekly Sales, In millions of units

Week ended Nov. 7: 5.9 million


Overall Top 10 Companies Year-to-date share of video sales market through Nov. 7 and current top-selling video for each company:

Company: Warner Home Video*

Share: 19.291%

Current best-selling video: Jack Frost


Company: Buena Vista

Share: 16.60

Current best-selling video: Pinocchio


Company: Universal Home Video

Share: 10.21

Current best-selling video: Saving Private Ryan


Company: Paramount Home Video

Share: 8.61

Current best-selling video: Indiana Jones Gift Set


Company: Columbia

Share: 7.68

Current best-selling video: Big Daddy


Company: Fox

Share: 6.85

Current best-selling video: The Thin Red Lines

*Company: Artisan Entertainment **

Share: 3.01

Current best-selling video: Blair Witch Project


Company: MGM

Share: 2.89

Current best-selling video: Tomorrow Never Dies


Company: Anchor Bay

Share: 2.48

Current best-selling video: Crunch: Tae Boxing Workouts



Company: Pioneer

Share: 2.26

Current best-selling video: Pokemon: Fighting Tournament

* Includes HBO, Tuner, New Line, PBS and Warner Vision

** Includes Hallmark and Republic

Source: VideoScan
