
Click Here / A roundup of recommended Web sites

* Amusing no more: Ah, the memories of Ghost Town in the Glen in Pennsylvania and Riverview Park in Chicago. Whatever happened to those theme parks in the family vacations of your past? Go to Defunct Amusement Parks at

* Giving time: For all the do-gooders out there, offers a way to help you help others. The site lists where you can donate money, time and energy--from teaching children to read to feeding the homeless at Thanksgiving.

* Party line: As you begin planning that big Veterans Day picnic or birthday bash, think about inviting your guests via You can also check out who made the A-list of invitees and see whether they plan to show and what they’re bringing.


* Out of Africa: So you’re still saving up for that safari, and serving in the Peace Corps is out. At you can take the road to Timbuktu with scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr.

* YWeigh2K: Before you clean out the dish of Halloween candy leftovers, check out for weight-control tips.

* Tiny bubbles: Hate to burst your bubble, but there’s a lot more to that goo you’re chewing than meets the eye--or mouth. Check out the history of chewing gum at


* Polling place: You’ve never been known to hide your opinions. Now you can get on the virtual soapbox and speak out on a number of issues at The site will pass on your vote to lawmakers and let you know how your representatives voted on issues that matter to you.

Want to suggest a Web site? E-mail [email protected].
