
Yes Still Creating Majestic Moods, Soundscapes

As he was hitting the final, high-pitched notes of the celestial-sounding mini-suite “Awaken” during Yes’ show at the House of Blues on Tuesday, singer Jon Anderson shed a few tears, and in an emotion-choked voice, he thanked the audience for listening.

The moment demonstrated that although Yes can sound painfully geeky at times, its members’ aspirations are certainly sincere. The veteran English outfit’s ability to create some truly gorgeous soundscapes was evident in songs such as the pastoral “And You and I” and the more poppish “Hearts.” But just as the band can conjure a majestic mood with the flair of a seasoned magician, it can also destroy it in no time with a tacky keyboard sound or a hopelessly new-age lyric.

To the band’s credit, the songs from the new album “The Ladder” sounded better than most of the older material. It’s doubtful that the current incarnation of the group can ever recapture the quirky spirit of an album such as 1975’s heavy-metal-tinged “Relayer.” But Anderson’s soulful stage presence and the fluid interplay between guitarist Steve Howe and bassist Chris Squire make it almost safe for discriminating listeners to pay yet another visit to the House of Yes.


* Yes plays tonight at 8 at the House of Blues, 8430 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood. $65. (323) 848-5100.
