
Best Breakfasts

Tired of the same ol’ scone from the coffee shop? Skeptical that the plastic-wrapped muffin at the diner is really fresh? Wonder if there’s more to life than waiting at the drive-thru for your daily Egg McMuffin? Perhaps you need to start the day right with a real breakfast.

In a town that prides itself on power meals, healthy diets and chic cuisine, even the early bird can find restaurants that transform breakfast into an art form. From simple and elegant egg dishes to high-energy shakes, Calendar Live spotlights restaurants that make the most of the most important meal of the day.

Kid TV

The International Children’s Television Festival celebrates kid-friendly television from around the world during its monthlong run at the Museum of Television & Radio. Calendar Live has the full program guide, which includes never-before-seen shows.


What’s Coming Up?

Has this happened to you? By the time you find out about a big event coming to town, it’s already sold out? Each topic page of Calendar Live tells you what big entertainment events are heading to the Southland so you won’t miss out on the fun.

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