
Taking a Fast Boat to Catalina Island

The mainland to Santa Catalina Island by boat in less than an hour? It’s now possible.

This weekend, Catalina Cruises was scheduled to debut the Catalina Jet, a 450-passenger, 36-knot catamaran that can make the trip from Long Beach in about 55 minutes. Round trips cost $35, versus $25 for the line’s other boats, which take one hour, 50 minutes to make the trip. Reservations: tel. (800) CATALINA.

By the end of June, rival Catalina Express hopes to debut the Starship Express, a 300-passenger, 37-knot catamaran that will take about 45 to 55 minutes to get from Long Beach to the island. The line’s current boats take about 60 to 75 minutes. Round trips on the Starship Express will cost the same as on current boats--$38 per adult. Information: tel. (800) 429-4601.
