
Jail Inmate Arrested in Rape, Burglary

Police arrested a 37-year-old Ventura man Wednesday on suspicion of raping a woman at a Pierpont Beach motel and burglarizing a nearby home.

Hugh Lyons McCafferty was in jail at the time of his arrest on suspicion of committing a burglary in Los Angeles, and on a fugitive warrant from Wisconsin.

In the residential burglary case in Ventura, the victims woke to find the burglar watching television.


McCafferty could be charged with two counts of residential burglary and one count of forcible rape, police said. Police are also investigating whether he is connected to a third burglary in the Pierpont Beach area.

McCafferty, who lived in Ventura’s east end, was earlier convicted on charges of burglary and sexual assault in Jamesville, Wis., Ventura police said.

McCafferty was most recently arrested Monday at a Ventura tanning salon. Investigators say they believe McCafferty targeted a customer of the midtown salon in the Ventura burglary.
