
Making Your Pad a Mod, Mod World

Want to make your house shag-a-delic, baby? Check out online furnishings retailer Retro Boy ( for inflatable furniture, beaded curtains, neon clocks and other kitsch classics Austin Powers would love.

The site was created by Burbank residents Sarah Parker, a college teacher, and her boyfriend, Rick Watters. “Rick is a video game producer, so we wanted to outfit his office with cool stuff, but found we had quite a time tracking it down,” Parker explains.

A pink flamingo and a lava lamp later, the idea for the fledgling business was born. Staying true to the Internet, Parker has conducted every part of the business online, from inventory to marketing.


“Online retail is supposed to be so big right now, and I’m hoping this will be a good way to supplement our income. I love teaching, but it doesn’t pay much.”
