
Times Reader Survey

SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt is conducting a special survey of Times readers’ general investing habits in an effort to gather information for his speech at the Investment Strategies Conference. Circle the responses that apply to you:

1. How did you make your last trade?

a) Through the Internet

b) Called my broker

c) Called a mutual fund company

2. Before you buy a stock, what do you generally do?

(circle all that apply)

a) Read the company’s annual report

b) Consult my broker

c) Talk to family or friends

d) Participate in an Internet chat room

e) Read a newspaper or magazine article

3. If you have a broker, have you ever asked how he or she is paid?

a) Yes

b) No

4. How often have you visited the SEC’s Web site or a particular company’s Web site to look for a financial report?

a) Never

b) Once

c) Occasionally

d) Regularly

5. Can an analyst who recommends a stock work for a firm that:

a) Owns the stock

b) Is the company’s investment banker

c) Just sold the stock

d) All of the above

e) None of the above


* On the Web:

* By mail: Levitt Survey, c/o Business News, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053


* By fax: (213) 237-7837
