
Birthday Wishes

Robby left his house and walked along the street wondering if his guess was correct. Was he really a monster?

Some evidence said yes.

Other evidence said no.

His thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of his friends Larry and Fred carrying boxes in fancy wrap, as Myron and Sam had.

“Hey,” Robby called out to his friends and waved.

As he’d expected, when they saw him they took off running. Such things no longer amazed or worried him. If he was right, he wouldn’t be alone much longer.


As Robby rounded the corner, a dog bounded up to him barking happily. It was a big mutt, sort of a German shepherd, but with yellow fur and floppy ears.

“Boris!” Robby cried as the dog stood up on his hind legs, rested his paws on Robby’s chest, and licked his face.

Boris was Mumu’s big silly dog. He was always getting out of the yard and causing trouble. “OK, Boris,” Robby said. “Down boy. Down.”


Boris sat down in front of Robby, wagging his tail.

“Go to Mumu’s?” Robby asked. The dog took off like a shot in the direction of home. He ran back to Robby as if to hurry him along, twirled around, than ran off again.

Robby followed at his own pace, and soon Boris returned to trot along beside him.

The dog wasn’t afraid of him, that was pretty obvious.

Robby was now sure he knew the truth.

When he arrived at Mumu’s, he’d surprise everybody with it.

Author Mel Gilden, a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, believes in birthdays because he’s had many himself.

This story will be on The Times’ Web site at
