
Rolling With the Board of Transit

If you’re over Rollerblades and looking for the Next Big Thing on Two Wheels, there’s the Rollerbyke--a hybridized bicycle and skateboard for adults.

The German-engineered Rollerbyke was introduced in the United States a little more than a year ago. “We’ve had a really good response,” says Roger Boyd, Rollerbyke USA’s president. “The health benefits are great.”

The Rollerbyke retails for $375-$400 and comes in three models. The Basic has 26-inch tires and looks more like a bicycle that you stand on, while the Dizzyturn is designed for travel, with enhanced tracking that permits greater control and speed. The Downhill is for extreme-sports enthusiasts and has mountain-bike components.


According to a Rollerbyke brochure, “Downtown distances are so short that the advantages of a bicycle--gears, pedals and a saddle--are of less significance.” But will it work on the freeway?
