
Proof for ID

While I agree with E. Paramo Hernandez’s points concerning the exorbitant fees paid by poor people to cash paychecks and wire funds to relatives abroad (letter, Feb. 8), I must point out a glaring inaccuracy in his letter. He states that “whites” can get DMV ID cards without showing proof of residency or citizenship. This is untrue.

My twin, developmentally disabled, “white” sons had to make three visits to a DMV office before they acquired their IDs, because the clerks first refused to accept photocopies of their birth certificates without the purple recorder’s stamp on the back, next refused to accept their Medi-Cal, Medicare and SSI papers, finally only granting the ID upon being shown a properly notarized, stamped copy of the original certificates from the county recorder’s office.

No one is supposed to get an ID without such proof. My sons were born in UCLA Medical Center in 1958 and have been residents ever since. They were cut no slack by DMV (nor should they have been). Hernandez should check his facts before leveling such a remark.



Woodland Hills
