
Memory of King

Re “King’s Charisma Touched Many in Southland,” Feb. 8:

I was fortunate enough to be chosen by King Hussein to teach tennis to the royal family and the people of Amman, Jordan, in 1983-1984. The king was a very gracious person who not only enjoyed his horses but was an avid tennis player as well. His wife, Queen Noor, also played a lot of tennis.

Besides visiting the royal family, I met wonderful people throughout Jordan and had the opportunity to visit other countries in the Middle East including Syria, Israel, Egypt and Saudia Arabia. I taught tennis eight to 11 hours a day, six days a week, in 100-degree weather at the Jordanian Tennis Federation. I was somewhat surprised at the reception I received from the Jordanian people when I arrived and was equally sad when I finally flew back to the States.

The king will be remembered as a gentle and kind leader who was always interested in peaceful resolutions in the Middle East.



Aliso Viejo
