
Pat Robertson Back at Helm of Coalition

<i> Associated Press</i>

Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson has reassumed the presidency of the political organization after spending several years as a senior advisor, a spokeswoman said Wednesday.

The post became vacant when Don Hodel, a former Reagan administration Cabinet secretary, left to pursue other interests.

Robertson angered some conservative leaders, including Hodel, when he said last month that President Clinton had won the public relations battle and the Senate should end the impeachment trial.


Hodel and former Rep. Randy Tate (R-Wash.) took over the coalition in 1997, replacing Ralph Reed, who had helped Robertson build the grass-roots organization into a national force.

Robertson founded the coalition in 1989 after a failed presidential bid.

The coalition is in the midst of efforts to defend its past political activities. The Federal Election Commission has sued the coalition, accusing it of illegally spending thousands of dollars to promote Republican candidates.
