
Vena Avenue School Now One of LA’s BEST

Students, corporate sponsors and family members celebrated Wednesday as Vena Avenue Elementary School became the newest San Fernando Valley school to join LA’s BEST.

Three years ago, Vena parents made a wish list. Their greatest priority for their children, after medical care and mental health services, was a youth activity program.

Linda Ariyasu, principal of the Arleta school, wrote an appeal to Councilman Joel Wachs and, through his efforts, the wish will become a reality Feb. 16.


LA’s BEST, which has five other Valley sites, is an academic and recreational program supported by government grants, the city of Los Angeles and corporate enterprises. Vena is one of 28 schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District to benefit from the supervised program, geared to children ages 5 to 12. The program includes homework help, snacks and recreational activities.

Of Vena’s 850 enrollment, as of Wednesday 170 students had signed up for the 200 available slots in the program.

Parents and children alike will benefit from the program, said Ariyasu.

“It’s going to keep them safe so their parents don’t have to worry about them. For the kids, it’s going to mean exposure to music, dance and the homework help that is critical for their success.”


In the past, the school had only one tutor for up to 50 children. The new program puts the ratio at one adult for every 20 children.

The balance between academic and recreational activities is important. “Now they have something that’s fun and useful,” kindergarten teacher Martha Gutierrez said.

David Lee is pleased his very active son, Alex, 7, will have help with homework and structured activities, he said.


“He’ll have something to participate in rather than just to go home and play with his sister,” Lee said. “Not too many schools have this program. We are very lucky.”
