
Stricter Policy on Being Tardy Studied

Repeatedly being late for class could have serious repercussions for Moorpark High School students.

The school board, in the process of adopting a policy that would give district schools leeway to establish tardiness guidelines, heard from staff members Tuesday. Their proposal would give high school students failing grades after seven unexcused late arrivals to class.

Although Moorpark Unified School District board members did not take a vote Tuesday, they seemed to favor the high school proposal because it would be stronger than the old policy in which three unexcused tardies equal one unexcused absence.


Since students who have five unexcused absences are subject to having their grades lowered--for instance, from an A to a B--under the present system, students must rack up 15 unexcused tardies before suffering any repercussions.

The district is phasing out its current policies on unexcused absences and tardies to conform with new state mandates to end social promotion.
