
Basic Facts on Fire Ants

* Fire ants are aggressive and will swarm up and sting intruders on their mounds.

* Fire ants sting by grasping their victims with their mouth and injecting venom from their rear end stinger. Each ant stings an average of half a dozen times per incident.

* Use an over-the-counter insect bite remedy to reduce the pain and prevent secondary infection in the event the wound’s hallmark white pustule gets scratched or broken.

* Home remedies for reducing the burning, itching pain associated with a fire ant sting include wetting a small wad of pipe tobacco and rubbing it gently onto the wound, or using meat tenderizer or tea tree oil on the sting site. None has been medically substantiated.


* Experts believe only a small percentage of people are allergic to fire ant stings, which can produce an anaphylactic reaction in allergic individuals. Seek emergency medical assistance if a sting produces an unusual reaction.
