
Part-Time Instructors

Taxpayers, wake up and put your votes where your money is!

Your teachers are suffering and your children can feel it too.

An enormous percentage of the instructors in the Ventura County Community College District are part-timers. Many of them are hoping for full-time positions that would provide job security and health care benefits that their families need. However, the district continues to hire more part-time than full-time instructors.

As a result, part-time instructors are forced to seek multiple jobs to make ends meet. This makes it very hard for them to focus and to be flexible to change or adjust the curriculum to fit the students’ educational needs.

Furthermore, a small fraction of part-timers who are fed up with these hiring practices simply revert to an attitude of “Why put in extra time with students? Let a full-timer take care of it because they’re being paid full-time.”


Now think: Are the district’s hiring practices sound or are we shooting ourselves in the foot? Taxpayers, I ask you to respond with your votes and make a difference in the situation.


Agoura Hills
