
Community Redevelopment Project

“Panel Election Poses Test for CRA Project,” Dec. 14.

Shame on Councilman Alex Padilla. He was voted to the City Council to represent his constituents, not to be a lobbyist for the wealthy developers and the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) bureaucrats. I find it disturbing that he has ventured into his community to gather votes for individuals who are pro-CRA.

For the past six months, he has been asked by members of his community to get more involved in the issue, but he avoided the conflict by telling people, “Let the process work.” Once the “process” was not being favorable to his political allies, he decided to be proactive and invite the media for a tour of his district. It would be nice if he would show the same level of respect to those who have genuine concerns about the project and have meaningful dialogue with them.


West Hills


In an early November meeting with a select number of concerned Council District 7 residents, Councilman Alex Padilla, stated that he believed the community did want the Community Redevelopment Agency project. At the request of these residents, he agreed to conduct a public meeting by the beginning of December to discuss the issue with his constituents. Padilla also stated that he wanted the process to work and didn’t feel it was appropriate for him to get directly involved. Well, that meeting never happened, but he sure has gotten involved.


He’s ignored the angry voices against the project that have been made at every preelection meeting and despite an overwhelming negative response from the public, he continues to crusade for the CRA and the politically connected developers.

Your photo of Padilla standing tall on a dirt road was a great photo opportunity. What he either doesn’t understand, or refuses to acknowledge, is that the CRA will have little to no impact on paving those roads. In fact, they take dollars away from the general fund, which pays for street improvement.


Van Nuys
