

Today’s City Council meeting will be the first to be broadcast live. Residents can see the action by tuning in to local cable Channel 31 at 2 p.m.

The only challenge facing the four-person production staff in the Channel 6 cable station, which is the public access station for the city, is juggling the live telecast with the popular Wednesday matinee movie, said News Director Rob Merritt. The movie will be shown on Channel 6, he said.

“Otherwise there is no big difference in the format,” he said. “We’ll continue to do what we’ve done since the first council meeting. Only this time it’s live.”


The production unit had so far been recording council meetings and broadcasting them the following Tuesday at 2 p.m. on Channel 6. The December meeting will be the only one to be broadcast live and then rebroadcast, said Paul Ortiz, director of operations. Beginning in January, there will be only a live broadcast on Channel 31, the public education and government channel for the city.
