
All 6 Major GOP Candidates Set to Debate Tonight

With Texas Gov. George W. Bush on hand for the first time, the six major Republican presidential candidates will gather tonight for a debate in Manchester, N.H.

FOX News Channel will carry the forum live from 5 to 6:30 p.m. PST and on the station’s Web site, Co-sponsor WMUR-TV, a Manchester station, will broadcast the forum on its Web site,

KCRW-FM, the public radio station in Santa Monica, will air the debate on 89.9 FM in the Los Angeles area, and on its other Southern California frequencies.


FOX News’ Brit Hume and WMUR’s Karen Brown will ask questions of the Republicans: Bush, conservative activist Gary Bauer, publisher Steve Forbes, Sen. Orrin G. Hatch of Utah, former diplomat Alan L. Keyes and Sen. John McCain of Arizona.
